For Employers
TeleHD Eye Exams and Eye wear at the Worksite. We come to you and provide Comprehensive Eye Exams, Workstation Analysis, Eye wear, Contact Lens Exams, Eye wear, Contacts, Specialty Eye wear, Safety Eye wear and many more at manufacturing prices!
Increase Productivity, Performance and Profits
TeleHD aims to cut YOUR company’s losses by traveling on site to care for YOUR employees’ work SIGHT! We understand the company’s need to increase work productivity, performance, and profits as well as the need for employees to obtain necessary, individualized eye care. After all, the eyes lead the body; so, let TeleHD lead your company into the future of eye exams, ergonomics, and eye wear.
TeleHD can provide many benefits to the workplace by:
Lowering Healthcare Costs
Lowering rate of absenteeism
Reducing the amounts of workers compensation claims